Nemokami skelbimai lt

Durst Printo

Skelbimo nr. 21635, įdėtas: 2010-09-08 · Perskaitė: 2358

Skelbimas nebegalioja.

Durst Printo. naudotas. Galima deretis. kaina
Technical data
Process types: RA and compatible,
black-and-white, Ilfochrome, R-
Sheet size: min x cm ( x in),
max. . x . cm ( x in)
Tank volume: . l per tank
Transport speed: cm (/in)/min to . cm
( in)/min
Bath cycle time (variable in steps): Step = min per solution
Step = sec per solution
Step = min per solution
Step = . min per solution
Heating: adjustable temperature range from
°C (. °F) to °C ( °F),
individually variable for each solution
Heating-up time: approx. min
Power consumption:
Energy Mot module: approx. . W
Energy Therm module: approx. W
Dry module: approx. W
Power supply: V/ Hz, V/ Hz
Dimensions (Length x Width x Height)
Printo Intro x x cm
Printo Tank x x cm
Printo Energy Mot x x cm
Printo Energy Therm x x cm
Printo Dry x x cm
Printo Water x , x , cm
Printo Intro approx. , kg
Printo Tank approx. kg
Printo Energy Mot approx. kg
Printo Energy Therm approx. , kg
Printo Dry approx. kg
Processing capacity/hour
Format B/W RA Ilfochrome Ektachrome
x cm
x cm
x cm
x cm
x cm
x cm
Input speed , cm/min cm/min cm/min cm/min
Throughput time Printo
Modular paper processor
The Printo is a paper process-
ing system that can be adapted
to individual specific needs and
requirements. Whether you
select the three-module basic
outfit, the professional dry-to-
dry setup, or something be-
tween the two, Printo can help
you build your own customised
photo lab.
Ideal modular system
The basic version of the Printo
can be put together with just
three modules. As your re-
quirements change or you be-
come more sophisticated, you
can add units without making
your existing modules redun-
dant. The full system with a
total of six modules is a pro-
fessional dry-to-dry machine
with automatic replenishment.
This means that you can buy
just the modules you need for
your current requirements
without investing prematurely
in unnecessary items. The pos-
sibilities grow with the system.
It all adds up to the most flexi-
ble mechanical paper process-
ing system on the market.
Printo can cope with all the
normal chemical paper pro-
cessing processes, and produces
outstanding results into the
bargain: black-and-white, tra-
ditional and high-speed colour
negative processes or even
colour prints from transparen-
The speed of operation -
and thus the time which your
prints stay in the various
chemicals - and the circulating
speed of the chemicals are
controlled by a simple system of plug-in
per solution /min min min sec Ziureti
Kaina: LT

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Skelbimo galiojimas pasibaigęs.

  • Skelbimas įdėtas: 2010-09-08
  • Galioja: iki 2010-11-18


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